Author(s) are required to send their articles prepared in accordance with the journal template (you can download it below) to via e-mail.
In addition, title page and disclosure statement form(you can download it below) must be filled in completely and attached to the e-mail.
The similarity percentage attributed to any individual source should be limited to 2%
The following is a detailed and clear explanation of the writing format for Research in Aviation Management (RAM) journal:
1. Title of Paper
Font: Aptos Narrow, 14pt, Bold
Alignment: Left-aligned
Font Style: The title should be in a small font size, making it visually distinct while still fitting within the layout guidelines.
2. Keywords
Keywords should be written in English and should represent the core topics of your paper.
3. Abstract
Font: Aptos Narrow, 9pt
Word Limit: The abstract should be concise and should not exceed 250 words.
Content: The abstract should summarize the main objectives, methodology, findings, and conclusions of the paper. It provides readers with a quick overview of the research.
4. Introduction
Font: Aptos Narrow, 11pt, Bold
Formatting: This is the first major section of the paper, where you introduce the topic, background, and objectives of your research. Use bold formatting to make the heading stand out but keep the text of the introduction in regular formatting.
5. Second-level headings
Font: Aptos Narrow, 11pt, Bold
Formatting: The first letter should be capitalized, and the rest of the title should be lowercase. This is used for subsections of main sections within the paper, such as methodology, literature review, or data analysis.
6. Third-Level Headings
Font: Aptos Narrow, 11pt, Italic
Description: These headings are used to break down specific sub-sections within the major sections. They should be in italic font to distinguish them from second-level headings, providing a clear hierarchy of information.
7. Author Statement
Font: Aptos Narrow, 10pt
Formatting: If needed, the author statement may appear after the references section. Acknowledgements of support for the project/paper/author are welcome.
8. Acknowledgement
Font: Aptos Narrow, 10pt
Formatting: If needed, acknowledgements may appear after the references section. Acknowledgements of support for the project/paper/author are welcome.
9. Conflicts of Interest
Content: The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this paper.
10. Ethical Approval
If applicable, indicate the ethical approval status: "Yes [Institution Name, Approval Number, Date].
If not applicable, state: "Not applicable."
11. Appendix
Font: Aptos Narrow, 10pt
Formatting: Appendices, if needed, should appear before the acknowledgment section. They should be clearly labeled and placed before the acknowledgements.
12. References
Font: Aptos Narrow, 10pt, Bold
Formatting: The reference section should be in bold, with the references listed according to the APA (American Psychological Association) style guide. Below are some general guidelines for citing and formatting references in APA style:
In-text Citations:
For a single author: (Author's Last Name, Year)
For two authors: (Author1 & Author2, Year)
For three or more authors: (Author1 et al., Year)
Reference List:
Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher. Example:
Smith, J. (2020). Introduction to aviation management. Aviation Press.
Journal Articles:
Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Year). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, Volume(Issue), page range. DOI/Publisher
Example: Green, A. R. (2019). The economics of airline pricing. Journal of Aviation Economics, 25(4), 123-145.
Online Sources:
Author's Last Name, First Initial. (Year, Month Date). Title of the webpage. Website Name. URL
Example: Jones, M. (2021, July 10). New trends in airline safety. Aviation Daily.
General Formatting Guidelines:
Ensure consistent use of Aptos Narrow font throughout the paper, as this is the designated font for RAM.
Maintain appropriate font sizes for each section to keep the structure clear and professional.
Follow the journal’s specific layout and formatting rules, including margins and line spacing, which may vary based on the submission guidelines provided by the journal.
Always check the journal’s submission template for any additional requirements specific to your paper.
By following these updated formatting and referencing guidelines, your paper will meet the necessary standards for submission to the journal.