Peer Review Process
The peer review process for articles submitted to Research in Aviation Management (RAM) is a critical component of ensuring the academic quality and scientific rigor of the journal. This process aims to maintain high standards and ensure that every article published contributes meaningfully to the field. Below is an outline of the key steps in the peer review process:
Submission and Initial Screening: Upon submission, editors conduct an initial review to ensure that the manuscript aligns with the journal's scope and meets its quality standards. If the article is deemed suitable, it is sent for peer review.
Peer Review: The manuscript is sent to independent, expert peer reviewers who are specialists in the field of aviation management. The reviewers evaluate the scientific content, methodology, relationship with the literature, and the reliability of the findings. They also assess the clarity and quality of the writing.
Double-Blind Peer Review: RAM follows a double-blind peer review system, meaning that both the authors and the reviewers remain anonymous to each other. This system enhances objectivity and ensures that the review process is impartial.
Review Outcomes: Peer reviewers provide feedback and offer one of the following recommendations:
Accept: The manuscript is deemed suitable for publication.
Revise: The manuscript requires revisions or improvements before it can be accepted.
Reject: The manuscript does not meet the criteria for publication.
Authors are expected to revise their manuscripts based on the reviewers' comments and resubmit. Revised manuscripts may undergo another round of peer review.
Final Decision: Editors make the final decision based on the reviewers' feedback. If the manuscript is accepted, it moves forward to the final stages of preparation for publication.
Confidentiality and Anonymity: RAM ensures the integrity of the peer review process through a confidentiality policy. Reviewers' identities remain confidential, and this helps mitigate potential conflicts of interest. This practice maintains the impartiality of the review and upholds the trust in the journal.
Conclusion: The peer review process at RAM is designed to safeguard the academic integrity and quality of the journal. Feedback from reviewers plays an essential role in the development of the manuscripts and the overall academic standards of the journal. Authors are encouraged to carefully consider the reviewers' suggestions and make necessary revisions to enhance the quality of their work, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in aviation management.